A Whole Nother Thing

Seldom at a loss for words.

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Abode: Nine Forward
Interests: Writing, Singing, Working Out

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A selection of words from my vast vocabulary, including the ubiquitous "the," the always versatile "and," and the more obscure "incontrovertible," arranged in frequently meaningful, sometimes profound, yet often pedestrian sentences and statements, designed with one goal in mind-- that being, to communicate; keeping in mind the oft-used bromide, "Never use two words when one will do the same job as two or more words would have done, unless you just want to take up space and sound important," which is, I must concede, too often a secret objective of mine indeed. And yet, now, the secret is out.

Who ARE these women?

© MMX Mattquist. Some Rights Reserved

Monday, January 30, 2012

A New Flag for Oregon

If you know me, you know that I am a bit quirky about some quirky things.

One of my prevailing interests is flags. I'm a member of the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA), the dominant organization concerning flags in these environs. I've done my share of designing flags and symbols. I guess I'm just prone to lean toward the visual media.

That said, I've come up (again) with a design for a state flag for Oregon-- one that I'm embracing very enthusiastically. In fact, I'm actually launching a campaign surrounding this proposal.

Please check it out here:  http://neworegonflag.org, then feel free to join the cause! I encourage feedback; and even more, I encourage your support!


link | posted by Unknown at 1/30/2012 09:13:00 PM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Go Sox!

As I was navigating my shopping cart down the aisle of the local Fred Meyer today, she snagged me.

"The best team, huh?" she said. 

It took only a few seconds for me to realize what she meant. I touched the "B" logo on my cap and smiled. "Yes, Boston?"

She smiled back. She had a warmth, a calm, a sense of serenity. She looked deep into my eyes, as if she could see everything. She said something about the Red Sox, that I, as a secondary fan, didn't quite capture. 

"Yes," I responded, trying to be friendly, even though I didn't get what she said. 

"That's my team," she smiled, "I'm originally from Boston."

"My son lived in Boston for a few years, so I became a fan of the Sox," I said.

She held her place in the aisle, smiling, and looking deeply into me.

We began a conversation that lasted more than just a few minutes. I was captivated by her gaze, and her friendliness. We discussed my sons, and their legal careers. She was impressed. She had lived near Boston College, where Keaton got his law degree. 

She asked me what I thought of Boston.

I said I liked the city. 

She liked that, and then we talked a little about Portland. 

It was a special encounter. One of those random meetings that... that are really cool. 

link | posted by Unknown at 1/04/2012 11:22:00 PM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

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