A Whole Nother Thing

Seldom at a loss for words.

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Abode: Nine Forward
Interests: Writing, Singing, Working Out

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A selection of words from my vast vocabulary, including the ubiquitous "the," the always versatile "and," and the more obscure "incontrovertible," arranged in frequently meaningful, sometimes profound, yet often pedestrian sentences and statements, designed with one goal in mind-- that being, to communicate; keeping in mind the oft-used bromide, "Never use two words when one will do the same job as two or more words would have done, unless you just want to take up space and sound important," which is, I must concede, too often a secret objective of mine indeed. And yet, now, the secret is out.

Who ARE these women?

© MMX Mattquist. Some Rights Reserved

Friday, February 24, 2006

A week off...

I got back Wednesday from my trip to Reno with a few of my buddies from work (and the wife of one of them). We all lost money, but despite that, I had the time of my life! It was reallly a blast.

Back to reality, though. Well maybe not until Monday. I'm officially still on vacation until then.

More to come...

link | posted by Unknown at 2/24/2006 09:41:00 PM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm so thankful for signs and notices that help us out in everyday life. Like this one that was on a package I delivered today.

link | posted by Unknown at 2/16/2006 10:30:00 PM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

Wilma is Gone

I "offed" Wilma. Well, I just got rid of her. I had thought of driving up to Larch Mountain and dropping her off by the side of the road but my humane nature vetoed that idea (not to mention the fact that she has a microchip, and it would have been difficult to explain how she got all the way up there if she were found by someone).

So, I decided to do the "humane" thing, and I returned her to the Humane Society. Please, don't send letters. Be grateful that I took the only responsible course of action that presented itself to me.

She was just becoming too much to handle, as noted by the picture here.

When I got home, Seven and I put on some Wizard of Oz music and danced around Nine Forward to "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead." It was a bonding time. Seven doesn't miss her at all. Heck, all she ever did was hiss at him. Now, we are both a lot happier. And, I assume, she is too. She deserves better than Seven and I were giving her.

link | posted by Unknown at 2/16/2006 06:03:00 AM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I slammed my finger in the bulkhead door of my UPS truck last week. Later in the day I took this picture of the resultant mondo blood blister. Cool, huh.

It looks a lot better now.

link | posted by Unknown at 2/07/2006 10:20:00 PM | 0 reflections. CLICK HERE.

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