Seldom at a loss for words.

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Interests: Writing, Singing, Working Out

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A selection of words from my vast vocabulary, including the ubiquitous "the," the always versatile "and," and the more obscure "incontrovertible," arranged in frequently meaningful, sometimes profound, yet often pedestrian sentences and statements, designed with one goal in mind-- that being, to communicate; keeping in mind the oft-used bromide, "Never use two words when one will do the same job as two or more words would have done, unless you just want to take up space and sound important," which is, I must concede, too often a secret objective of mine indeed. And yet, now, the secret is out.

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Friday, April 20, 2007

Infants in "Limbo"?

I came across this link tonight and am perplexed. First the link:

Now the perplexion: If God wants us to communicate with us, why doesn't he make himself clear? I mean, he's God, isn't he? Surely he could communicate whether or not infants are "safe" or not. Why the confusion? Why does this article say there is "hope" but not "certainty" as the last paragraph on the first page of this article states:

"'We can say we have many reasons to hope that there is salvation for these babies,' the Rev. Luis Ladaria, a Jesuit who is the commission's secretary-general, told The Associated Press. He stressed that there was no certainty, just hope."

I dunno, but it seems funny to me that God is so unclear about so many things. There are so many "doctrines" that are debatable. Why?

link | posted by Unknown at 4/20/2007 11:28:00 PM |


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