Seldom at a loss for words.

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A selection of words from my vast vocabulary, including the ubiquitous "the," the always versatile "and," and the more obscure "incontrovertible," arranged in frequently meaningful, sometimes profound, yet often pedestrian sentences and statements, designed with one goal in mind-- that being, to communicate; keeping in mind the oft-used bromide, "Never use two words when one will do the same job as two or more words would have done, unless you just want to take up space and sound important," which is, I must concede, too often a secret objective of mine indeed. And yet, now, the secret is out.

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© MMX Mattquist. Some Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I want one of those Illegal Licenses!


Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski has come up with the great idea of issuing a special driver's license to illegal aliens. Well, he doesn’t actually put it in those terms, but that’s what the idea entails.

His reasoning baffles me. But, I guess when I stop being baffled by things like this, that’s when I’m in trouble.

According to the story @, Governor Kulongoski has become convinced that tighter controls are needed for state-issued identification cards. “However, the governor is considering following the Utah model, which allows for the ‘driving only’ license to those who can’t prove they’re legal residents of the state.” (How, and why, in the world would a State issue official documents to those whom it can't prove are legal residents of said state?!)

According to the Governor’s spokesperson, “The issues that we’re trying to deal with are identity theft and security.” And yet, the connection between not being able to drive and identity theft (and security) were not made in this news story. Myself, I wonder how not being able to drive has anything to do with security and identity theft. Perhaps if more identity thieves had the ability to drive, we could all rest assured that our credit card purchases at Nordstrom were safe.

As a perfect example of dodging the issue and throwing in a red herring, the governor also adds, “I’m not trying to create a situation where we have all these people driving without insurance because they’re out there without a driver’s license.” What? And now, the issue is non-insured drivers? Can we please stick to your main points Mr. Governor?

The governor admits he wants to “allow driving privileges to people who can’t prove they’re in the country legally. Not doing so would create problems for workers who lack such proof and their employers,” the story said. (I am truly moved by the governor’s empathy for those employers who might suffer hardship if their illegal alien employees couldn’t drive.)

Okay, so there’s the backdrop for the story. Here’s my response:

What the ____?

And furthermore, if this non-identifiable driver’s license becomes law, I will be the first guy in line down at the DMV to get my own illegal license. I mean, heck! That way, if I ever get pulled over for speeding, DUI, etc., I’ll just present my illegal license to the officer, and my real record will remain clean! Seriously, what’s to prevent ME from getting one of these licenses? No identification will be required; no proof of address will be required (right now, I have to present the DMV worker with something that proves my residency, like an electric bill, etc.). All that’s required is that I pass the driver’s test. (Do you have to be able to read english to get a driver’s license? Prally not.) So what’s to prevent me from going down to DMV and telling them that I’m Leif Erickson, and that I refuse to present ID, so please let me take the test!? This is GREAT! What a boon this could be to chronic drunk drivers, speeders and red-light runners!

And please let me ask, in response to the governor’s red herring: What aspect of logic are you trying to assert in implying that those who are in this country ILLEGALLY would be MORE likely to buy auto insurance if they could get a driver’s license? If they know they are here illegally, what in heck would ever motivate them to buy auto insurance? A “non-ID” driver’s license? I doubt it, Mr. Governor.

If a person can’t, or refuses to hand over documentation verifying their legal residency, “Those people should still be able to have a driver’s license,” according to the governor’s spokesperson. Why?


“These people should be able to have a driver’s license.” Should? Are we making moralistic judgments here? Should? Why!

Driving is not a right; it is a privilege. You have to PROVE you are competent to handle the task. That’s why they have a test. Why should we eliminate the legal residency requirement and yet keep all the other requirements to obtain a driver’s license? Heck, let’s just throw out the driver’s test! Doesn’t this test put an undue burden on those people who can’t pass it, as well as their employers? As the governor’s spokesperson says, “These people should still be able to have a driver’s license”!

This is the most bass-ackwards idea I’ve heard in a long time.

link | posted by Unknown at 10/04/2007 08:04:00 PM |


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