Seldom at a loss for words.

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Abode: Nine Forward
Interests: Writing, Singing, Working Out

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A selection of words from my vast vocabulary, including the ubiquitous "the," the always versatile "and," and the more obscure "incontrovertible," arranged in frequently meaningful, sometimes profound, yet often pedestrian sentences and statements, designed with one goal in mind-- that being, to communicate; keeping in mind the oft-used bromide, "Never use two words when one will do the same job as two or more words would have done, unless you just want to take up space and sound important," which is, I must concede, too often a secret objective of mine indeed. And yet, now, the secret is out.

Who ARE these women?

© MMX Mattquist. Some Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Better, thanks

Spent most of the day resting in bed, if not actually sleeping. I haven't had a sinus infection in I don't know how long, but this one is definitely "here." Feel better right now.

Did some household cleaning up. That also makes me feel better.

This Saturday I'm going to audition to sing the National Anthem with the Blazers and Winterhawks. Wish me success. Stay tuned and I'll write all 'bout it.

Been researching air fares for Brant to take his trip to Australia next Feburary. He'll be gone 'til June. How did we ever live without the Internet? It's so nice to be able to search for the fares, etc. However, there's still something to be said about talking to an actual breathing person. Tami called a few travel agencies and talked with two people who had actually been Down Under, and they recommended against a train ride across the continent (or is it really an island?). A lot of Outback desert, but not much to see, unless you're in to crocks and snakes. They suggested he go north and see the Great Barrier Reef. We couldn't have gotten that kind of savvy advice off the Internet.

There sure are a lot of ways to get to Australia from here. Most airlines have you go through either LAX or SFO, but some go through Tokyo, or Honolulu, or Singapore. I even found one itinerary that had you go through New York, and then Saudi Arabia, or some such place, and then on to Singapore and then Perth (Brant will be staying not far from there). I guess you can go around the world any which way you choose.

Tami & I were considering travelling to see Brant next spring, but the cost is just prohibitive. Also, you'd need to take a good three weeks to do it right. It takes like 36 hours just to get there (with plane transfers, and all). And here's a little trivia question for ya: Did you know that Australia is bigger than the lower 48 U.S. states? It's farther from Sydney to Perth than it is from NY to LA. I didn't realize that either. So, you really do need a lot of time there. Can you imagine trying to see all of the hot spots in the U.S. in a week? I didn't think so either.

Please come back often and read my blog. And I NEED to know if you've read this. Please post a message or e-mail me. Well, must scoot. I'd love to talk to you about Gordy and his antics, but that's A Whole Nother Thing.


link | posted by Unknown at 9/29/2004 02:46:00 PM |


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